Ferry Forest Garden
DuPage County Right-of-Way along Illinois Prairie Path, 30W060 Ferry Road, Naperville, IL 60563
A demonstration for how communities can replace right-of-way lawns with public permaculture forest gardens, creating an edible park that grows food security and regenerates ecosystems.
Soon Illinois Prairie Path users will be able to enjoy foraging and relaxing at the Ferry Forest Garden, a third-acre of DuPage County right-of-way land along the Illinois Prairie Path on Ferry Road just west of IL-59 in north Naperville. With the help of volunteers, The Resiliency Institute began the land's transformation with sheet mulching in November, 2014.
This garden is a demonstration for how communities can replace right-of-way lawns with public permaculture forest gardens, creating an edible park that grows food security and regenerates ecosystems. Planting began in spring 2015 with 20 trees funded by the Illinois Prairie Path. The garden now has over 30 shrubs, a hugelkultur berm, and most of the herbaceous layer. West Chicago High School donated almost 200 plants, and the rest were donated by community members, Forest Garden Friends, and paid for with proceeds from The Resiliency Institute's educational programming.
Please VOLUNTEER to be a Forest Garden Friend to help us manage & maintain this public forest garden. This is an opportunity to learn about permaculture, nourish yourself with fresh air and time in nature, perform a community service, and be rewarded with foraged food!
Learn about our other projects or register for our Permaculture Forest Gardener Series.