

Welcome to our Resources Page where you will find information to support your transition to a suburban permaculture lifestyle, landscape and community.

Local Food


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA):
a system in which a farm operation is supported by shareholders within the community who share both the benefits and risks of food production. CSA's usually consist of vegetables, eggs, meat, and/or fruit.

CSA's we have personally used:

List of CSA's

Grocery Co-ops

Eat Local DuPage Facebook page is a great place to join others in bulk purchases of local foods like maple syrup, beans, and popcorn.



Alliance for Community Trees
Advocates for public trees

Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides & Programs
Forest Therapy. Shinrin-yoku. Forest Bathing. The Medicine of Being in the Forest

Chelsea Green Publishing
Employee owned sustainable book publisher

GardenWorks Project
Volunteers helping neighbors grow food at home. Growing food security

Illinois Solar Energy Association
Education & Advocacy for solar & wind energy

Illinois Stewardship Alliance
Advocates for Local Food

IndieBound Naperville
Local Independent Naperville Businesses

Missouri Botanical Gardens
Database of plants & resources

Permaculture Lessons by Professor William Hooker, NC State University

Permaculture Principles
David Holmgren's site

Permaculture Magazine (UK)


Plants for a Future (UK)
Database of plants & resources

News, research, and analysis on energy, economy, environment, food & water, and society

Savana Institute
Research & education for transitioning farms to silvo-pasture

Sustain DuPage
Fostering a sustainable DuPage County

Temperate Climate Permaculture
Blog, Plant Index, resources

Transition US or Transition Network

University of Illinois Extension

Manure Share

University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry

Education on Agroforestry Systems

Crowdfunding for a Permaculture Design Course


Ferry Forest Garden tree planting

We are in USDA Hardiness Zone 5a. Ideally you order plants that have been grown in your hardiness zone or a zone colder, but sourcing from ecologically responsible growers is our priority. This is a list of nurseries that we have personal experience with and recommend. Most of these nurseries sell bare root and will be sold out by February.

Fruit Trees & Fruiting Shrubs



Plant Fruit Trees Brochure


Permaculture Library

Creating a Forest Garden by Martin Crawford

Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway

Edible Forest Gardens Vol 1 & 2 by David Jacke and Erin Toensmeier

Intro to Permaculture by Bill Mollison

Nature's Garden by Samuel Thayer

Permaculture: Principles & Pathways beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren

The Permaculture Garden by Graham Bell

The Holistic Orchard by Michael Phillps

The Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins