
Foraging a Taste of Nature

Foraging is growing in interest and popularity thanks, in part, to the growth of microbreweries, "farm-to-table" and "field-to-table" restaurants that source local, farm raised, and foraged ingredients like ramps, dandelion greens, violet flowers, mushrooms, fiddlehead ferns, and garlic mustard. People are excited about these new foods, flavors, and smells and want to experience more.

Fascination with foraging is really a return to our roots. Our ancestors fed themselves primarily from foraging. Acorns, greens, root vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, fruits and berries all grew in abundance within the forests, along the waters' edge, in meadows and prairies. Families had their favorite spots to harvest, and children carried on the tradition.


Local Fall Nuts

Black_walnutsMany of us garden and grow annual fruits and vegetables, and I hope some of you are growing perennial fruits and vegetables, but are you growing nuts?  If you are not, then take Pat Armstrong's Local Fall Nuts class this Thursday, October 3rd to learn how to identify the nut trees in your area.  She will have nuts to sample and will share how Native Americans prepared flour from acorns.

Fall is the time to harvest nuts, and this class will prepare you to forage and process them.  Nuts supply our bodies with protein, healthy fats, anti-oxidants, and energy.  They are a great travel food and can be made into gluten free flours, milks, and butters; used as breading, or in recipes and so much more.

Nuts can only be harvested this time of year, so take this opportunity.