
Creamy Chickweed Pesto with Sweet Potato Fries


As the days are getting hotter and hotter here in Chicago my body is craving lighter meals packed with nutrition. Spring –Fall are busy times for me, so I want to be sure have quick simple meals that fill me. For this I have been making a Creamy Chickweed Pesto (GF/V) made with cashews, chickweed, a pinch of salt, and garlic all blended up. Easy, simple, beautiful and oh so good!


Chickweed has been a favorite plant ally of mine this year! According to Susun Weed chickweed is loaded with chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, beta carotene & vitamin C and more nutritive benefits. The list is long, but I’ve been using her because She helps with inflammation and joint pain. While the summer sun is starting to get high, she also helps me cool down as I work on two beautiful community permaculture sites! She’s part of my journey to reconnect to the #wisewoman way of life, whether living out in the mountains or here in the city-it’s possible to reconnect to nature with every bite you take!


Chickweed grows throughout Chicago so she’s easy to get a hold of. Last year I harvested a bit of her and let her live a season in a large container mixed with sage and lambs quarters. This year she was booming and abundant! I often transplant plant allies living in the city because the soil contamination is so bad here. But with a combination of creating sites that are safe to harvest from and growing in containers at home I find that harvesting plant allies is accessible, safe, and easy for me-and it can be for you too!

Written by Nina Lawrin