Since I began learning about edible wild plants and herbs three years ago, it has been a joy to walk around and "see" all of the food and herbs growing everywhere, in cracks in the sidewalks, in yards, along trails, in forests. At first, most of my knowledge was applied to designing edible landscapes, but now I'm fully enjoying feeding myself from my yard and community. I take walks every day to notice the abundance around me, harvest where appropriate, process, and enjoy. Just this week, I have been enjoying a variety of teas (peppermint, pine needle, lemon balm, dandelion root, and comfrey leaf), stinging nettle infusions, "weed" pesto that I froze this fall, hazelnuts, and grape juice canned this summer. Each year, my "wild" plant diet expands, and with it a deepening connection and appreciation of the natural world.