
Dubai Visitors!


What a surprise on Saturday when two of our students for the Let's Make Soap class revealed they had timed their visit from Dubai just to take this class!

Promila and Sapna Naroola are an entrepreneurial mother and daughter team working to grow their soap making business back home.  They were having difficulty finding all of the raw materials to make soap and were researching alternative soap making options when they found The Resiliency Institute. As it turns out, it was truly fortunate for them that not only did they have a son/brother who was kind enough to enroll them in the program, but that he lives in Lemont, IL, just 20 minutes from The Resiliency Institute.


FOOD DAY Film Viewing


Food Day inspires Americans to change their diets and our food policies. October 24 is a day to resolve to make changes in our own diets and to take action to solve food-related problems in our communities at the local, state, and national level. The most important ingredient in Food Day is you! Use October 24 to start—or celebrate—eating a healthier diet and putting your family’s diet on track. Food Day is not just a day; it’s a year-long catalyst for healthier diets and a better food system. Let’s use this energy to make a meaningful and long-lasting difference!


Suburban Permaculture Garden Tours

Join us for a summer of Suburban Permaculture Garden Tours!

Be inspired to start your own suburban permaculture garden, by touring existing ones!  This summer we are showcasing four unique approaches to integrating permaculture into the suburban landscape aesthetic. Come to one garden tour or all of them to discover new ideas for your own garden.

Corbin Paw Paw tree_2015
On Thursday, June 16th visit an Edible Landscape in south Naperville. Dennis Corbin is a retired Landscape Contractor with a passion for edibles. His permaculture garden combines the traditional suburban aesthetic of lawn and ornamentals with annual and perennial edibles. See mature fruiting shrubs & trees, including two paw paw trees!




Edible Forest Garden Dedication May 7th

The Resiliency Institute invites you to join us in CELEBRATING the dedication of the Whole Foods Market Edible Forest Garden, the FIRST public forest garden and Growing Food Security project in Naperville!

Come out to the dedication on May 7th of the Whole Foods Market Edible Forest Garden and take a tour where you can learn how to begin incorporating permaculture design into your own life and landscape. Meet the many volunteers, boy scouts, organizations and businesses who made this project possible and join us in extending our appreciation. Buy some plants to begin transforming your own landscape and sample some wild edible treats. Everyone is invited to attend to see what the power of community can build!