
Be a Part of the New Food System

Planting a fruit tree guild in your home landscape, at your business, child's school, church, or community garden, is one way you can grow food security, reconnect to nature, reconnect to where your food comes from, and support a new food system.

As a permaculture organization we adhere to the ethics of care of earth, care of people and fair share which is why we are devoted to encouraging the development of a new food system that follows permaculture ethics and principles. We can feed all people within a community with nourishing, fresh, diverse food. We can grow our local economy, too, by providing local business opportunities for designers, growers, foragers, processors, and vendors.


Growing Food Security Program


feedingamerica-foodbank-illinois-northernillinoisfoodbank-2012Food security is achieved when "all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life," according to the World Health Organization. With 1 in 8 families facing hunger in Northern Illinois, our suburban communities are not food secure. The current food system's dependency on cheap fossil fuels and transportation infrastructure cannot be sustained as resources become constrained, not to mention the impacts their practices have on soil, air, water, and human health. If food delivery trucks stop coming into your community, how long do you think you will be able to feed your family with the food you have access to in your home and from your land? Most communities are said to have only about three days worth of food in their local grocery stores.

It is imperative that we begin growing a new food system that places food security as the primary goal. With more than half of the U.S. population living in the suburbs and an abundance of land, the suburbs can become food producing communities able to feed themselves and support neighboring urban and rural communities.


Ferry Forest Garden is 1 year old!

The Ferry Forest garden, a project of The Resiliency Institute, is 1 year old! Celebrate with us on November 14th at our PERMABLITZ or apply to be a FFG Ambassadordupage-logo

The Ferry Forest Garden is a third-acre of DuPage County right-of-way land along the Illinois Prairie Path on Ferry Road just west of 59 in north Naperville. With the help of volunteers, The Resiliency Institute began the land's transformation with sheet mulching in November, 2014.


Growing Food Security

feedingamerica-foodbank-illinois-northernillinoisfoodbank-2012Food security is achieved when "all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life," according to the World Health Organization. With 1 in 8 families facing hunger in Northern Illinois, our suburban communities are not food secure. The current food system's dependency on cheap fossil fuels and transportation infrastructure cannot be sustained as resources become constrained, not to mention the impacts their practices have on soil, air, water, and human health. If food delivery trucks stop coming into your community, how long do you think you will be able to feed your family with the food you have access to in your home and from your land? Most communities are said to have only about three days worth of food in their local grocery stores.

It is imperative that we begin growing a new food system that places food security as the primary goal. With more than half of the U.S. population living in the suburbs and an abundance of land, the suburbs can become food producing communities able to feed themselves and support neighboring urban and rural communities.


Volunteers Wanted Nov 9 & 15

Wheelbarrow leaves


In permaculture when the leaves fall it is time to SHEET MULCH! Doesn't that sound like an exciting way to spend a few hours? C'mon we know you want to help us lay cardboard, shovel, wheelbarrow, and rake leaves and mulch on your weekend.

Ok, so it isn't a great party or sporting event, but it is a community changing experience. The Resiliency Institute and VOLUNTEERS are building permaculture edible forest gardens to: