
Dubai Visitors!


What a surprise on Saturday when two of our students for the Let's Make Soap class revealed they had timed their visit from Dubai just to take this class!

Promila and Sapna Naroola are an entrepreneurial mother and daughter team working to grow their soap making business back home.  They were having difficulty finding all of the raw materials to make soap and were researching alternative soap making options when they found The Resiliency Institute. As it turns out, it was truly fortunate for them that not only did they have a son/brother who was kind enough to enroll them in the program, but that he lives in Lemont, IL, just 20 minutes from The Resiliency Institute.


Fermentation for Digestive Health

CarrotkrautLinda Conroy will be coming back to The Resiliency Institute this summer, June 20-22, to teach about herbs and fermentation and the role they play in digestive health.  This will be an essential weekend course for people suffering from IBS and other digestive ailments. The weekend begins on Friday evening with Linda sharing her 5 point approach to improving digestive health. Participants will learn how to make fermented food, beverages, herbal infusions and tonics, sample them, and a watch a hands on demonstration on how to make an herbal carrot kraut.



Linda Conroy Weekend Courses

Linda Conroy_TRI_Burdock
Linda Conroy teaching The Resiliency Institute Herbal Remedy Making class about burdock.

Linda Conroy, founder of Moonwise Herbs, is a bioregional herbalist with 20 years of experience.  Bioregional herbalism believes in using plants that grow in your own region for healing, rather than subscribing to popular herbalism which recommends remedies made from plants all over the world.  Linda offers this example, "If I have a fungal infection popular herbalism suggests I reach for Tea Tree oil and I remind myself that it comes from Australia. What resources does it take to bottle that herb and transport it to me? Now wisdom tells me that the people who lived on this continent had all the medicines they needed, so that leads me to look for an anti- fungal herb in my backyard. And so I reach for Red Cedar (Thuja plicata). I can make a strong infusion, a tincture or an oil with minimal impact to the planet."